My book dedications: My 7th book: Mindful Finances by Alison Laycock

My 7th book ‘Mindful Finances: 31 day challenge to help boost your earnings, understanding and financial attitude’ came as a surprise and just like the 6th one prevented me from writing the book I had already started to write. When that happens I have learnt to accept it and keep the other one on hold until it is ready again and it still hasn’t returned to me yet.

The Mindful finance challenge is something I have delivered both as a 31 day challenge and also as a 6/8 week course and know it works well.

The dedication came as I was writing and especially during the times we are in now (2023 when it was published in March) as lots of people are struggling and sometimes we can go into self-blame, guilt or shame for our financial situation. None of those feelings help us whereas realising how much we are doing our best can encourage us along any journey.

‘To all of you who are doing your best in these difficult times and simply wanting to get ahead or stay ahead. Keep going, you’re doing a fantastic job!’

If you want to check the book out, please do using this link to Amazon. The book is priced at £4.99 which will come back to you many times over if you can follow the challenge through to the end.

My book dedication: Mindfulness for NQTs: by Alison Laycock

This 5th book, ‘Mindfulness for NQTs: Strategies, techniques and practices for all who work with children and young people’ was self-published in September 2022. To be fair it came as a surprise although I had worked on Mindfulness for NQTs in blogs taking into account my teaching experience in the UK and abroad for years.

The dedication came easily enough as I was writing one day and I jotted it down on a piece of paper next to me and carried on with the day’s task. When you have been a teacher, you know all the hard work which goes into planning, delivering and assessing and then reviewing your lessons not to mention the interactions with students and other staff. I don’t believe anyone else understands that and to be honest, those who don’t teach your subject don’t understand what goes into your subject planning and delivering etc as every subject is different. Teachers deserve so much more money and recognition than they get whether that be from students, parents and/or the Government. They are most definitely superheroes and all school staff are.

‘This book is dedicated to all the teachers out there who are helping, encouraging, and supporting all students in reaching their full potential in education and in life.

Thank you for your service and all that you do!

Not all superheroes wear capes!’

If you are interested in checking this book out, it is very reasonably priced at £1.99 which will remain it’s price as I know that NQTs and teachers in general aren’t paid anywhere near enough! Here is the link for Amazon.

The Healing Waters

by Alison Laycock

Wherever the water, 

It soothes and calms me.

Whether the water itself is calm or angry,

The waters always calm me,

They inspire me too.

From raging seas, 

Whose waves rise to crash,

Against the beach or the streets beyond.

To the calm waters

With their gentle ebb and flow,

Softly touching and caressing the sands below. 

Walk alongside the water,

Jump into it and swim out surrounded, 

By it all in its vastness,

Or look out to it.

Swim in it or simply take a shower in it, 

Water is a constant reviver of our souls, 

Not just when we drink it. 

You will find peace somewhere, 

Deep within when you find the healing waters.

My book dedications: My third self-published book: Mindful Walks to be in the present moment by Alison Laycock

My third book ‘Mindful walks to be in the present moment’ was self-published in April 2020. My business ‘Being the Best You Can Be’ officially started by delivering Mindful walks in Penzance, Cornwall, UK and other parts of Cornwall and Devon around October 2019. Mindful walks were in my mind and I was actively doing them and had been for years during my travels and work abroad. The idea of a book came more to me whilst I was staying in a lovely hotel with beautiful gardens in Guildford, Surrey, UK at the start of March 2020 whilst visiting my Godson and his family. I would walk the grounds every day and one day I was pulled to sit and write about the walks that kept coming to my mind and I also recorded some You Tube clips for my business channel ‘Being the Best You Can Be’ which I have continued to share on Facebook through and since the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown.

I originally called the book ‘Let’s take a walk’ or something similar and when I submitted it to Amazon Kindle, they rejected the title as they found it misleading. Somewhere in the book I use the expression ‘let’s take a walk’ and it is in reference to the previous title. This is so far the only time that has happened and I did find it difficult to find another title I liked ad the one I finally chose was probably a quick decision which hopefully still works well.

The dedication is important to me and I believe the content also reflects the pilgrimage I had walked and the book I had literally just self-published in January 2020 about my Camino de Santiago pilgrimage ‘ We all walk our own Camino’. As I have walked with lots of people in my life so far, on walks and in life in general, I love the dedication I came up with. During my stay in Guildford, I had walked around the grounds with my Godson and his family so he and his brothers are clearly included in the children part as well as those I have shared time with during my living and working abroad as well as in the UK. It is important who we choose to walk with in life as well as physical walks as they can make all the difference to how we feel and how we do.

‘With gratitude and in acknowledgement of all those who have walked with me, those who always walk with me and also to those who will find themselves walking beside me at some point in the future. 

For all the children I am blessed to have in my life and my heart, I hope you will also know the wonder of walking through your journey and may you always find those who will brighten and lighten those walks.’ 

‘It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see’

Henry David Thoreau

‘Take my hand.

We will walk.

We will only walk.

We will enjoy our walk without

thinking of arriving anywhere’

Thich Nhat Hanh

Those poems and quotes are also chosen specifically for this dedication and again sum up how I feel about life as well as walks. As a Buddhist, that Thich Nhat Hanh poem speaks to my soul because let’s face it, it is never about arriving anywhere but the journey and that covers all aspects of my life as well as my travels.

If you are interested in reading more about Mindful walks then please check out the book on the link below. It is reasonably priced at £4.99 and contains a variety of walks you can take on your own and/ or with others.

An excerpt from ‘Mindful Finances: 31-day challenge to help boost your earnings, understanding and financial attitude’ by Alison Laycock

So we are up to date now with all of my self-published books so far, there are more to come. This is book 7 with many more on the way, some are being written and others are in the concept stage.

So many of us are struggling with our finances currently due to higher prices, interest increases and/or debt spiralling just to name a few. This book offers some tips and strategies so we can take control of certain aspects of our finances and also ensuring we maintain self-compassion techniques to protect our mental, physical and emotional all-round health.

Day 1: Where are you starting from?

It is so important in every area of our life to know realistically where we are especially when this involves changes, we wish to make to our behaviour, attitudes and/or circumstance. In terms of our financial situation this is even more necessary as if we don’t know where we are right now, how can we know where we want to get to and what we need to do to get there. 

Knowing our current situation is so helpful as finances are so often neglected along with other areas of our life and without regular reviews, we will be unable to make any progress or know if our finances are in a better position than we first thought. 

If you are expecting this exercise to be more negative than positive, then please be gentle with yourself as you set about answering the following questions. Take time to work through them as they don’t need to be done all in one go, you may wish to have a treat/reward in mind for you to do or have after the exercise so you have something to look forward to and you may wish to do this with someone else either there for support or doing it with you at the same time. Remember to be compassionate with yourself in terms of what you find out and what your current situation ends up being as there will be reasons for it being so which may or may not have been or be in your control. 

In the first instance, answer them without looking at any of your financial information and then collect all your information to go through them in more detail and answer clearly. 

  1. Do you know the current situation of your accounts, how much money you have in your bank account, savings or other? How much money you have on credit cards/loans? 
  • Are you aware of what credits/debits your accounts and when? 
  • Do you know your spending habits? What you spend the most on/the least on? When do you spend the most? What are you tempted by the most for unplanned spending? 
  • Outside of your bills, do you know your biggest outgoings each week and month? 
  • Do you have any money left at the end of the month or is there more month at the end of the money? 
  • Are you more a saver or a spender? What makes you say this? 
  • Why have you bought this book? Why are you doing this challenge? 
  • Is there a commitment you wish to make to yourself for during or after the challenge? Write it down so you can check back in with this whenever you need a reminder to stick with it. 
  • Looking forward to the end of the challenge, what do you hope to have achieved once you have completed it? Why is this important to you? 
  • Have any of these answers surprised you? 

If this appeals to you and you wish to follow the challlenge, here is the link to purchase it through Amazon for £4.99.

This blog and each post is sponsored by check out the offerings for mental health and supporting and encouraging all to live their most authentic lives.

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An excerpt from: ‘Journal through life’s journey: Always leave your footprints in the sand’ by Alison Laycock

Journal prompts

I wasn’t sure what to include for this excerpt as there are introduction parts where I share the benefits of journaling, different types of journaling and how journaling has helped me in the past and currently. However, I am still so excited about the prompts and how they can help people just as much as they have helped me and continue to help me, I decided in the end to share the first 10 journal prompts.

If you enjoy these, there are 500+ in the book which is priced at only £7.99 and well worth that price so it won’t be changed in any promotion offers when other books are published which I have done previously.

Journal prompts

  • Write about your day.
  • How do you feel right now? 
  • Write about what you are using to journal. Pen, pencil, notebook or whatever else you are journaling with. Why have you chosen those items today? 
  • What messages do you see in the clouds today?
  • Describe what you are wearing today. Why did you choose those clothes?
  • Where are you writing today? Describe it in as much detail as you wish to. Why have you chosen to journal here? 
  • What do you want? List 10 things you want for yourself. For each item, write a small step you can take today to move towards what you want. 
  • What are the 10 biggest things that happened to you/for you this year? 
  • What new things do you want to try?
  • What have you done so far in your life?

If you have enjoyed these and want to try the others, here is the link to the Amazon page to buy it. If you do then many thanks in advance, writers make a living from selling their books not writing them and it would be a pleasure for me to know it is helping others.

This blog is sponsored by bringing you mental health support to encourage and support you in being your true self. Check out the website to see all on offer and get in touch for Zoom sessions, mindful walks or mindfulness over coffee depending where you are based.

An excerpt from ‘Mindfulness for NQTs’ by Alison Laycock

In September 2022, I self-published my 5th book ‘Mindfulness for NQTs: Strategies, techniques, and practices for all who work with children and young people’. This covers a month of areas of focus for teachers/ school staff to practice themselves every day and/or pass on to students.

Here is an excerpt from the book.

Day 3: Acknowledge and celebrate all the small successes, positives & improvements

Your NQT year is a steep learning curve, and you will experience lots of doubt, feedback which may come across as negative or full of areas of improvement and you will be so tired at times that you won’t know if you are coming or going. The first term and especially the first half will fly by in many ways, however when it feels like a hard slog, the tendency will be to only remember the negative or difficult times. 

Make a point from the very first day (or from whenever you are reading this) to make a note of all the positives and even the smallest of successes as these will all build up to be so much more. When you are feeling low or just plain exhausted, remembering the positives and the small achievements will help you through. 

Don’t wait for the whole class to demonstrate learning and understanding before you celebrate your role as a teacher, celebrate the first and keep going. Don’t wait for the whole class to behave before you see the lesson as being positive, notice all who quietly behave and get on with the lesson. 

If someone pays you a compliment, say ‘thank you’ and store it away. Don’t dismiss it or try to justify what they have said, simply acknowledge it, you are doing a great job.

Acknowledge and celebrate the imperfect as well as the perfect. As long as you have completed it then it is successful, it does not need to be perfect. Don’t delay your bedtime or allow your sleep to be disturbed in the search for perfect. Accept that the lesson is planned, and the resources are ready as the students themselves make the lesson into whatever it will be.  

Now do the same with your students: Celebrate and acknowledge the good in them, the good behaviour, the contributions they make in class and through their homework, how they interact with other students and who they are as individuals. Don’t wait for their perfection before you acknowledge all the positives. You can model this to them in the compliments you give and in the way you treat yourself, don’t put yourself down in front of them if something goes wrong, just carry on, laugh it off if necessary and carry on.  

Encourage students to celebrate each other: Model this and encourage students to see the good in each other and their work through building it into the lesson. This could be finding the good in each other’s work and sharing what they like and have learnt from it or at the end of the day/ week sharing positives about other students’ acts of kindness towards them or others.

Take all the above into your personal daily life too so you build your confidence and self-esteem both inside and outside of school and your classroom. These positives will help you throughout the year and the more you do it, the easier it will be, the more positive you will be and the more you will enjoy your work. Once your students see how much you enjoy it, they will enjoy being in your lessons too. 

You may wish to build in treats for yourself to celebrate each month, half term etc so you have something to look forward to. 

‘Mindfulness for NQTs’ can be purchased from Amazon on Kindle for £1.99 at a price for NQTs to be able to afford in their training and/or first years or teaching. This book is also applicable for all working with children and young people no matter what your level of experience is.

This blog is sponsored by supporting your mental health and celebrating your true self.

Mindfulness for NQTs: Strategies, techniques and practices for all who work with children and young people

Welcome to my latest book which I self-published on Amazon Kindle on 6th September 2022. It costs only £1.99 and contains an offer of a 25% discount off courses for those who buy the book. There is a link below.

The book contains strategies, techniques and practices for mindfulness and is aimed at NQTs and all who work with children and young people. As a former school teacher and teacher trainer, both in the UK and abroad, I wanted to share mindfulness techniques in a way that I have used them over the past 25+ years of my career in Education.

A lot of the content has come from blogs from this blog as in the previous 2 years, I have posted everyday throughout August with a technique etc for NQTs to try out ahead of starting their new role (as the new academic year starts in September in the UK). Perhaps, you have already read some of these blogs.

This book brings them all together in one place and I have also added some more content either in the monthly format or in the extras/alternatives section. There are also some parts adapted from 2 of my previous books: ‘Being the Best You Can Be’ and ‘Mindful Walks to be in the present moment’. If you are interested in those books too then it’s good to know that Being the Best You Can Be is only 99p and will always be that price as i wish to help as many people as possible access the information shared within it and Mindful Walks is currently priced at £1.99 during the launch of this book and will return to its usual price of £4.99 in January 2023.

There is also a lot of FREE material shared on my social media channels: Being the Best You Can Be on Facebook and You Tube channel, alisonlaycock23 on twitter and on instagram. I am also happy to answer any questions through email

If you do purchase the book and wish to use the discount on one of the mindfulness or other courses through my business then please visit to check out all the business offers.



The natural soundtrack to my silent retreat

Making me smile on hearing it in the morning

And in the evening preparing me for sleep


Reminding me to pause in the middle of writing

Asking me to look up and out at where the sound is coming from


Wanting me to stop as I am taking a walk

So many different birds calling me with their song

And each one helping me with my silent thoughts


So clear and pure

Helping me through my healing


I thank you with all my heart and soul

For bringing me home to me

With your beautiful call for stillness

As my breath and your song become one.

Alison Laycock 2022

End of year review and celebration: Option 1

Alison Laycock

Every year I do some sort of review and celebration of the year for my personal life and now I add in a business review too for my business ‘Being the Best You Can Be’. A review can be done in many ways and here I share one which was for the end of 2019 ahead of starting a new decade. I love reviews and celebrating successes before I move on to something new as I find it puts the year into perspective. As we go through each month, there will no doubt be many highs and lows, mistakes made and learnings found and it can feel a completely different experience when we are in it to when we look back with perspective and look at the whole year.

Continue reading “End of year review and celebration: Option 1”