Love YOURSELF this Valentines day!

I love love and loving and showing love to others, however this Valentines day I’ve decided that I will show myself love rather than concentrating on the needs and wishes of my partner. Is this something you can do too? Perhaps, you are caught up in the reminder at this time of the year that you don’t have a partner, well you know even better, LOVE YOURSELF! Even if you do have a romantic partner, put yourself first and make a promise to LOVE YOURSELF!   

If you are single at this time of year, it is easy to notice the lack of a partner when everyone else around you seems to be in a relationship or loved up on Valentines day in some way or another. However, who wants to be like everyone else? What’s wrong with being different? Just because it is a day set aside for the idea of romantic love, there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself time to relax and treating yourself to something you want or need so go ahead and show yourself some self-love. 


Here are some ideas to get you started, feel free to choose as many or as few as you like as after all this is about you and not what anyone else thinks you should do. 

List your qualities: Instead of telling someone else how wonderful they are, list all your own qualities. What makes you special? You may want to say them out loud or write them and see the words physically on paper. Whatever works for you, go for it! Acknowledge every single thing, don’t be shy.

Treat yourself: Whether this is buying something or spending the day doing something you want to do, go ahead and show yourself some love. This doesn’t have to be expensive or anything major it could be as simple as giving yourself to enjoy a coffee at your favourite cafe or buying yourself your favourite flowers.

Make a commitment to yourself: This could be planning a trip you want to take later on in the year, committing to a plan to get healthier or fitter, learning a language or deciding to leave work on time everyday. Whatever it is, make that commitment to yourself and to the improvements you want to make in your own life and find a way to stick to it.     


So go for it, enjoy your day and love yourself and hey, it doesn’t just have to be just on valentines day! Let us know how you get on by contacting us through the form below. 

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